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Hello World #

This is me, Mehul, welcome to my corner of the web, I plan to make this into a rolling blog site which I can fill with the random ideas and theories which pop in my head. This page is like my intro about what I do, my interests and stuff, I’ll try keeping it fun to read, promise 🤞

Ex Product team @ Slick App where we scaled from zero to 2 Million users in a span of 10 months. Launched cool new features for the GenZ college audience of India and created close knit communities. It’s always a wonderful feeling when you meet a couple at a bar and they credit your app to be the reason they are together.

I’m guessing you have heard about AI taking over jobs? Well, I had a team of 5 interns who I got annoyed with and automated their work over a weekend hack. In my defense, they were also not liking the work as it was repetitive. Smart kids should have smart things to work on.

For my undergrad, I studied CS at Manipal University Jaipur. Where I found my love of AI and making things to improve people’s lives. While my time in uni, I started India’s first Student Research Society called Phi Phenomenon which started a culture of research in our college which never existed before. Literal freshman used to come upto me and ask for research project advices. This might be a common thing for western people but trust me, no one in india gives a fuck about scientific research and the fact that I was able to make it a better experience for everyone interested was awesomesauce.

I like doing that, creating things at places which lack them.

I started a few startup projects of mine during the time which didnt see the light of day mostly due lack of investor interest. I still stand by my ideas and will continue to love them till death. RIP Circles.

Okay, enough background

Tech #

Currently: MacOS with Yabai and Skhd


Love learning and building things. Converted Arch Linux user of 5 years.

JavaScript and Microsoft hate GoLang and Python love

My GitHub profile would be a more accurate representation of this section ig

✨ Personality ✨ #

Apart from work, you can find me either reading Philosophy (currently Machiavelli 🚩) or watching cool Art stuf (prolly Basquiat) with music in the background (most definitely Radiohead)

I listen to mostly everything non mainstream, the range goes from Shoegaze to Folk acoustic. I have quite a god complex about my music taste which led me to making this playlist, feel free to use it 😸

I also followup with internet culture and love curating creative works from the corners of the internet. (used to be a 4chan user untill I got friends)

If you’re bored or find me cool, let’s have a chat. I love to listen to people’s views on life and am a sucker for good conversations (also am looking for people to start a podcast with).